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[Editor's Note] New Mission Statement

by David M. Olsen

Kelp Journal has continued to grow and refine its identity over the past three and a half years. And it is stronger today in both its editorial team, the work we publish, and in our readership than ever. And I owe it all to my editors. All volunteers. All wonderful literary citizens who donate their most precious resource, their time, to promote the work of emerging and established writers alike.

One of the things we have done since our last issue is reevaluate our columns, prune away a couple of categories, and refocus our efforts. We also launched the blog, The Wave. We are still dedicated to oceanic and conservationist themes. We are still focused on literary adventure. And we are still a powerful ally to a diversity of voices both domestic and abroad.

On our indie press, Kelp Books, we are experiencing growth as well. We have three books publishing the latter half of the year, Published: a Craft Guide (OUT NOW!), Shadow Valley: A Novel and Beasts of the Field: A Novel. As we grow, we hope to also expand our publishing arm to extend our reach and bring new, diverse voices to the literary landscape.

I hope you enjoy this new issue and look out for our upcoming books. These voices astound me with their talent, skill, and careful, thoughtful detail and love for the written form. A heartfelt thank-you to everyone who contributed to this issue. We are creating something truly special here at Kelp, and I can’t wait to see where the future takes us.

Mission Statement:

Kelp Journal is a premier digital and print literary magazine. With a global reach, and the spirit of adventure in our DNA, we are always searching for new and established voices from around the world. Located on California's West Coast, we are especially interested in stories pertaining to oceanic and conservationist themes.

Kelp Journal values diversity and seeks to promote the work of writers of all ethnicities, orientations, and backgrounds, both domestic and abroad. We accept fiction, essays, poetry, and travel memoirs so long as the writing is in the English language or translated into English. We have no genre restrictions.

Below is the link to our latest book, Published: a Craft Guide.

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