Mighty Southern Ocean
Surfers in full steam, greenish-emerald extremities, the southern beaches, wild-brumal
coughing up strewn seaweed. Your surf, your beachcombing, walks, swims, squid catching and your scattered ashes. Memories, patterns in the sand ridges and ripples of ocean hands, the pummelling in, out then drowning waves crashing to shore.
Radiant waves rip-
ple, scream, throw tantrums up-on,
invigorate some.
Uncharted Waters
Surrender me
Surrender me
Goes my rendered heart.
Floating on a pea green boat
Rocking, careening, drifting
Out the harbor doors.
Right out into the giant ocean
Past the lighthouse
On those craggy cliffs
Rocking round the coastal bend, until no more
No glimpse of me from those sandy shores.
So farewell my love
Drown me in your salty waves of kisses.
Take me down and sink me deep
Beneath the ocean’s bedded floor.
Resting, floating, rhythmically
In a drowning sleep
Farewell my love
Caress me still
In the purple’s aubergine ink.
Melinda Jane – The Poet Mj is the author of the children’s book The Currawong and the Owl, the poetry books Nature's Nuptials and Bite Me. And a hundred and nineteen individual written works published by forty-six publishers in international anthologies and literature journals. The Poet Mj has had a poem nominated for “Best of the Net” in 2019. The Poet Mj is also a lyricist, songs composed to music and a spoken word artist with sixty live performances.